HELLER purchasing department
Information for our suppliers
As manufacturer of metal-cutting machine tools, HELLER is renowned for its quality throughout the world. This quality can be achieved only through a careful choice of supplier partners. We have developed the STEP programme with our top 40 supplier partners.
STEP: Strategic.Together.Evolution.Partnership.
The Purchasing Department for our series machines is split into a strategic and an operative area. In close coordination with the Operative Procurement Department (OLO), Strategic Procurement is jointly responsible for selecting and developing suppliers, requesting quotations, comparing and negotiating prices, optimising the procurement procedures, market analysis and defining the contract terms. One major focus is on the product group strategy and supplier selection, which are jointly defined in close cooperation with Development, as well as the further development of strategic supply partners.
Do you want to become a supplier partner to HELLER?
Then send your convincing documents by email to einkauf@heller.biz.
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