The key points of the agreement include a cooperation in machining technology, process, and practical application. TITANS of CNC will install two 5-axis machining centers into their Texas facility. The HF 5500 with the fifth axis in the workpiece and the CP 6000 with the fifth axis in the tool – and a Round Pallet Storage System. These machines will be pushed and tested by Titan and his team. With the HELLER machines, Titan will deliver innovative and educational materials to the machining industry, sharing the true vision of what is possible. HELLER Machine Tools L.P. CEO Kenneth Goodin explains: “This information is free to the public and will enable entrepreneurs to utilize this training to improve their bottom line and will ultimately help to build up the industry, one shop at a time. Together, we can reshape and revitalize the industry and truly impact people’s lives.”
Companies that have been in the machining industry for decades, have all experienced the ups and downs. “Unfortunately, the importance of manufacturing in the US has been downplayed and even neglected. Many large companies stopped investing in their people, in training and in innovative technologies and have focused on outsourcing to the lowest cost possible. This often has meant moving work offshore to lower cost countries, leaving US machine shops in difficult and sometimes impossible situations.”, adds Goodin. Titan’s mission is keenly focused on the empowering benefits of education to revitalize the machining industry. Keys to success are to not accept “the way we always have done things”, but to test the limits and discover new and better ways to drive profitability.
“This is an industry-changing opportunity for us to show the world what the highest levels of manufacturing look like. No one else is opening their doors to show this top level of machining. In the US shops keep their doors tightly shut to protect what they believe is their competitive advantage, we’re here to blow our doors wide open and show EXACTLY how to compete.” Says Titan Gilroy, CEO of TITANS of CNC and passionate advocate for the future of advanced manufacturing. “HELLER represents the highest level of productivity in our industry, and fits in perfectly with our mission. With growing supply chain issues, we will intimately teach companies exactly how to out-compete the competition by manufacturing their own parts in-house. This new partnership will allow us to showcase and teach the entire manufacturing process using the same machines that are currently being used by the largest OEM’s in the world.”
HELLER Machine Tools shares the same passion for machining and helping our customers find better ways to compete. The DNA of HELLER includes an unparalleled commitment to design integrity, quality and durability that not only aligns with, but encourages our customers to push the limits. HELLER has always invested in education and “growing our own” future generations through strong apprenticeship and development programs. Therefore HELLER machines fit perfectly to the shared mission we have with Titan.
To that end, HELLER is excited to announce our partnership with TITANS of CNC, Inc. In the words of Titan Gilroy, we will ”bring advanced manufacturing education to the highest levels the industry has ever seen”.
TITANS of CNC, Inc. has developed multiple Academies and is the world’s leader in FREE manufacturing education, teaching the latest breakthroughs in CAD, CAM, CNC, Grinding, Additive, and Metrology. Their online video-based curriculum is open to anyone regardless of age, technical savvy, or prior schooling. By focusing on the fundamentals of advanced manufacturing, students learn via the power of repetition, through a model that flips traditional manufacturing on its head and gets students hands-on with part design FIRST. As each part increases in difficulty new methods are added so the foundation continues to build on itself. TITANS of CNC Inc. has also released where the industries first and premier Advanced Manufacturing Certifications can be attained, and manufacturers can showcase their work in an amazing portfolio, ALL FREE. They are teaching methods and giving access to information at the highest levels of manufacturing previously only accessible behind the closed doors of the world’s top aerospace/automotive/medical companies.